Every so often it is worth standing back and thinking about church life and whether we can become more effective in our mission:
- Do we have a clear and shared sense of purpose?
- Is our activity shaped to fulfil our mission and vision?
- Are our leadership and governance structures effective?
- Can we benefit from God’s gifts to the wider church and perhaps contribute something for the good of others?
Often it is valuable to have someone from outside your church, who shares your ethos and desire to grow, to help you work through a process of analysis helping to leading to the development of strategy and ideas for growth. If you would like help with such a process check out details on the Partnership website here.
A Training strategy is crucial for ensuring everyone in the fellowship is being equipped for ministry. Key elements include:-
- Systematic teaching of the Bible through Sunday services (e.g. Using a 3 or 5 year plan to give teaching on every Bible book or using a standard lectionary programme). (Links to some sample teaching plans)
- Opportunities to discuss and interact while relating the Bible to contemporary issues. This is one aspect of home groups or cells, where Biblical matters can be explored in the safety of trusting and open relationships.
- Promoting and encouraging use of personal Bible reading plans:
M’Cheyne’s Bible calendar
Scripture Union readings - Providing opportunities for more in-depth Bible study and theological engagement. Some courses such as Joshua have been prepared with this in mind.
- A systemic discipleship programme for all believers: See valuable articles on Discipleship
- Mentoring systems (formal or informal) so that younger believers are linked to more mature believers for both personal growth and skills development – learning how to serve God as part of church life (Upload a pdf of Mentoring training system)
- Preparation training, induction and orientation short courses relevant to each ministry in the church. These can range from Safeguarding training, Food and Hygiene certification, to Child Evangelism Fellowship Training courses for children’s work, Learning to Lead as a prerequisite for deacons or elders, etc.
- Key leadership networking & training: make use of opportunities for church leaders to meet and discuss relevant issues such as the Partnership regional leaders meeting and other area leaders forums in Scotland, N Ireland (LEAD) and Cardiff. See valuable articles on developing Spirit-filled and thinking leaders
Some helpful resources and papers:-