While the early disciples, and especially the Apostles, were appointed by Jesus to be his resurrection witnesses, it is the calling of every believer to give witness to the way Jesus Christ transforms our lives. In addition to that general call, some are gifted as evangelists (Ephesians 4:7-11), both to do evangelism, as well as train and provide others with opportunities to communicate the message of Jesus Christ to others.
In order to reach others with the Gospel of Jesus, the following considerations will help:
- Gaining a clear understanding of the Gospel in the full context of Scripture
- Learning to read and understand the culture in which we are living
- Learning to apply an unchanging message to an ever changing world
- Being trained and equipped with tools and approaches to sharing the message
- The need for a growing passion for both the Lord and the lost
- The value of prayer in opening hearts to the Gospel
Discuss with your mentor what steps you may need to take to improve and develop in each of these areas.
Some training resources: –
Counties: Evangelists Training programme